Sunday, March 8, 2009

TOP 10

I've seen TONS of movies. I'm quite the connoisseur of film, a film junkie if you will. Just give me some popcorn & Junior Mints and it's on! I could go on for days about my favorites (good & bad). Here are just a few...

Top 5 FAVES:

1. Pulp Fiction. Best John Travolta dance sequence since..."Stayin' Alive" w/ Jamie Lee Curtis. I hear he did a bit of dancing in some 70's disco movie too.

2. Goodfellas. I got 2 words for you - Joe Pesci. The entire cast was brilliant together. Scorsese's camera work - sheer genius! Soundtrack - amazing! I've had people tell me they've only seen this on basic cable (chopped up like onions by a Benihana chef) & didn't get it. For those people, do yourself a favor & get the real version. You're missing so much!

3. Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Can you really shove a lump of coal up someone's ass & get a diamond? I've seen this movie more times than I can count. I pretty much know it word for word. Every single time I watch it, I crack up like it's the first time. John Hughes truly captured teen angst during the 80's like no other. Don't believe me? How 'bout "Breakfast Club" or "16 Candles" or "Pretty in Pink"? Not to mention he also did the first "Vacation" movie! All classics in my book.

4. The Big Lebowski. That rug really DID tie the whole room together! The only other funny bowling movie (besides Kingpin) that I know of. The Cohen Bros. had a fantastic vision (after one too many White Russians?) & brought it to life w/ an all-star cast. Jeff Daniels as "his dudeness" is great! John Goodman as the Nam Vet w/ the occasional flash back - priceless! Steve Buscemi is also great in this movie.

5. Reservoir Dogs. It's been at least 10 years since I first saw this little gem. I still can't listen to Steeler's Wheel "Stuck in the Middle" without getting a tiny bit squeamish.

Top 5 WTF Were They Thinking?

1. Bulletproof Monk. Now, I LOVES the Kung Fu. However, I got 10 mins into this crap fest & was ready to shut it off. Against my better judgment, I watched another 10 minutes before I had to eject the DVD in fear that the crappiness of this movie would somehow make my DVD player no longer function properly. How can Chow Yun Fat go from something as visually outstanding as "Crouching Tiger" to this??? For shame!

2. Idiocracy. I'm a big fan of Mike Judge. Love his animated work & adored "Office Space". I know he was trying to make a point w/ this movie (TV will rot your brain & the stupid will rule the world). But, I felt it was too slow moving. So slow in fact that I fell asleep at one point & woke up at the end and it all still made sense. My "spidey sense" said it sucked!

3. Last House on the Left (1972 version). Like most of America, I enjoy being scared from time to time. Horror movies are a fine art that are slowly becoming blood & gore for shock value. This movie was so controversial when it came out b/c of the content that it was actually banned in several countries. It's a sort of remake of "The Virgin Spring" by Ingmar Bergman. 2 teen girls horrifically raped/murdered by some punks. The murderers wind up at the one girls house (last one on the left) & when the parents find out what's going on - all hell breaks loose & everything that you thought was so shocking about the previous 1/2 of the movie gets blown away (pun intended) by the ending. I've seen tons of "disturbing" movies, but this one still haunts me. And, now it's been re-made (since Hollywood is apparently running out of ideas & that's all they can do anymore) & I really can't understand why.

4. Blair Witch Project. Shaky hand-held cameras, knit hats & snot. No wonder why I fell asleep 3 times while trying to see what all the fuss was about. Finally, I drank enough coffee to be sure I stayed awake (I thought if I saw it all the way through it would make sense...silly me) & I still can't figure out who/what was standing in the corner. Where was the "witch"? This movie wasn't scary - it was a complete waste of time unless of course you need a nap. This is another one that really didn't need a sequel. Don't remember the sequel? Don't worry, you're not missing anything!

5. From Dusk to Dawn. As you can see, I have 2 QT movies in my top 5 faves. I've loved pretty much everything he's ever done...except for this one. I'm also a huge fan of Mr. Rodriguez' work as well. It started out so promising. The first half of the movie was great. And then they got to the strip bar... Woo! Selma Hayek!!! A snake!!! Shots of Tequilla - Ole! And then - it turned into a totally different movie & went downhill quickly from there :( Killing vampires w/ disco? Come on... Then someone had the brilliant idea to do a sequel??? Huh??? The sequel would rank at #6 on my WTF list for sure!

So, that's what I think. Please feel free to let me know what you think...