Sunday, August 2, 2009


From time to time, there's a movie that makes you laugh SO hard your sides hurt. Sometimes you laugh until you cry, other times you have to actually go back & watch the movie a 2nd or 3rd time to catch all the stuff you missed the time before because you were laughing/crying hysterically. I like to call these "The Gutbusters". Not to be confused w/ "The Ghostbusters"...which was a pretty funny movie too. Anyway, I digress. Here are some movies that made me laugh until soda came out my nose. You have my personal guarantee that these movies will make you laugh too (if they haven't already)!

Monty Python & the Holy Grail (1975) - This movie came out the year I was born. I'm pretty sure my parents made me watch it either in utero or as a baby. It's been ingrained in my psyche ever since. I know you're thinking..."but you're a chick, how can you like Monty Python"? Believe it or not, there are a few of us out there. There are so many funny parts in this tale of Arthur & the knights of the round table: the coconuts; the black knight (only a flesh wound); the virgins (more spankings); the Camelot song/dance; the flying cow; the killer bunny. I could go on... but I'm betting if you're reading this, you've already seen it too. If not, what are you waiting for? Are you being repressed?

Airplane! (1980) - This is another movie that I've seen a million times. I know it word for word, but will still watch it whenever it's on. This is another classic with lines that you've heard before. This movie scared me away from ever eating on a flight, or from wanting to see what's going on in the cockpit. As a matter of fact, yes, I have seen a grown man naked... It even has the man, the myth, the legend...Kareem Abdul Jabar as the co-pilot. I wonder if that's what inspired Shaq to think he could get away w/ that piece of crap ("Shazzam") that he called a movie? Note to other b-ballers - just because you play for the Lakers doesn't necessarily mean you can act...or rap for that matter. Yes I'm serious, and please stop calling me Shirley!!!

There's Something About Mary (1998) - The Farrelly Bros. do it again! I was already a fan of Ben Stiller before I saw this movie. Anyone remember the Ben Stiller show? Just me??? You can get the whole series off of Netflix if you're interested. I liked Cameron Diaz in "The Mask". I had NO idea how funny this flick was gonna be when I plunked down my $5 (it was still the 90's) for a matinee. I laughed so hard about the "franks & beans" that I threw my popcorn in the aisle. Now, that's a gut buster! And the hilarity didn't stop there. It just got funnier & funnier. After watching this, I ONLY get hair gel straight outta the tube! I dare you to watch this movie & not crack a smile. I say it can't be done! Two other funny-ass Ben Stiller movies that deserve an "honorable mention" here are "The Cable Guy" & "Zoolander". I laughed pretty hard at those too.

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004) - Scotchy scotch scotch scotch! The whole cast of this movie was so funny together. And who knew that local anchors had gang rivalries? All this plus fun w/ teleprompters! Ron Burgundy & the rest of the Channel 4 team are complete chauvinist pigs when Christina Applegate comes in to shake things up. Are you trying to tell me there's a party in your pants??? I laughed really hard at this movie. I love Wil Ferrell (Old School, Step Brothers, Talledega Nights, Semi Pro, the clip online w/ the little girl landlord, more cowbell) & this movie didn't disappoint. Even writing this entry makes me chuckle & wanna watch it again!

40 Year Old Virgin (2005) - I've been a fan of "The Daily Show" since way back when Craig Killborn was hosting. Anyone else out there in cyberspace remember there was a host before Jon Stewart? I can assure you there was - go Google it. Anyway, Steve Carrell always cracked me up when he was an "anchor" on there. He was great in the above mentioned "Anchorman" as weather guru Brick Tamland. I knew he'd be great in a leading role too. The waxing scene came on & I laughed so hard I cried. This is when I decided that Judd Apatow had a long career in film-making.

Pineapple Express (2008) - Judd Apatow did a few movies in between Virgin & Pineapple. I was a bit disappointed w/ the Dewey Cox story, but Mr. Apatow redeemed himself w/ this crazy buddy comedy. All Seth Rogen's character wants to do is mellow out after a bad day of serving people w/ legal documents. Next thing he knows, he's witness to a murder & has to go through all kinds of ha ha hi jinx to save himself & his friends. I heard that this movie was loosely based on Brad Pitt's character in "True Romance". Someone thought it would be funny to see what would happen when the mob actually came after the stoner. Turns out, it was pretty stinkin' funny! Of course, if you take offense to drug use/references, this is really NOT the movie for you. But, if you're like the rest of us out there & aren't easily offended, rent this & laugh until your sides hurt.