Sunday, September 6, 2009


I usually concentrate this blog on movies in general. But, I feel a lot of movies are made or broken by their soundtracks. While in editing, they place the (sometimes) perfect tune to help with the feeling of the scene. Some movies have accomplished this better than others. Here’s what I think…

Hard Day’s Night (1964)/Help! (1965) – Soundtrack by the Beatles

I’m combining these movies only because it’s the same band. My mom is a HUGE Beatles fan, I’ve been force fed their music ever since I can remember. Being force fed wasn’t such a bad thing. I’ve grown up to become a Beatles fan in my own right. Anyway, I digress… I enjoyed both of these movies; however, “Help!” is my personal favorite out of the two. Both movies follow the Fab 4 around through all kinds of hi-jinks & hilarity. I’m sure that these movies were just a ploy to sell more records, but I guess that’s ok. The music was really good. These movies had a much better soundtrack than “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” (1978). Whose idea was it to put Peter Frampton, Aerosmith (SUPER high Steven Tyler), George Burns & the Bee Gees all in the same movie? Don’t get me wrong, I dig the disco, but that was a really awful movie! Do yourself a favor & chose one of the above Beatles originals over the awfulness that was SPLHCB. This makes me wonder who exactly gave permission for Beatles songs to be presented in such a crap-tacular format. Both of these movies & soundtracks = FAB

Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) – Soundtrack by Various Artists

Oh how I love this movie! I spent many a Saturday/Sunday evening/morning at my local theatre (which is now a giant Walgreen’s) singing/dancing/acting along w/ Dr. Frank & the crew. Richard O’Brien first wrote this for the stage, and then turned it into the most popular movie (shown @ midnight) ever! I honestly don’t know of any other film that has run continuously for the last 30-some years. Don’t think it’s playing in your area? Just go do a Google search – you’ll find it somewhere, I guarantee it. The soundtrack for this movie was so good. From the opening sequence, all the way through to the end – they’re all really good. Tim Curry was brilliant in his first movie ever as the sweet transvestite from transsexual Transylvania. It was also debuts for Barry Bostwick (asshole) & Susan Sarandon (slut). This movie even made a star out of Meat Loaf. “Bat Out of Hell” wasn’t released until after his performance as “Eddie” – the cryogenically frozen rockabilly dude. Who knew he could play the saxophone? This is hands down one of my favorite movies of all time. Even though I’ve seen it more times than I can count, I still have to watch it every year around Halloween – just for an excuse to get up & take a jump to the left…come on…you know the rest. If you don’t, you need to rent this ASAP. Movie & Soundtrack = GENDER-BENDING GREATNESS

Saturday Night Fever (1977)/Grease (1978) – Soundtrack by the Bee Gees

I’m combining these 2 movies only because both soundtracks were done by the Bee Gees. Like most other girls growing up in the 70’s, I had photos of the brothers Gibb on my bedroom wall. Next to that was my poster for “Saturday Night Fever” & right next to that one was my poster for “Sesame Street Fever”. The resemblance between John Travolta & Grover Monster is uncanny. I had the soundtrack for this movie well before I was allowed to actually see it. I was only 2 when it came out. Years later, I finally saw this cinematic masterpiece (feel free to disagree if you want) & it’s been one of my personal favorites ever since. The music was great. The characters were great. The story was great. From the opening scene w/ John Travolta’s boots walking down the street to “Stayin’ Alive” to the dance practice with “More Than a Woman” to the end with “How Deep Is Your Love” - I love it all! Not only that but this soundtrack is still one of the best-selling soundtracks of all time going certified platinum 15 times!

Another movie I enjoy is “Grease”. This 50’s era movie chock full of memorable scenes & lines is one of my favorite guilty pleasures. Sandy & Danny (Olivia Newton-John & John Travolta) have a star-crossed lover story until the end when Sandy shows up at the Rydell High senior carnival wearing black spandex & smoking cigarettes. I like to assume that they flew off in their car to a house in the suburbs w/ a white picket fence & had 2.5 children. Then someone decided to make “Grease 2” (1982) – oh boy! I know the soundtrack to this movie too. I’m still amazed that this movie didn’t single-handedly kill Michelle Pfeiffer’s movie career. Adrian Zmed? Really? Maybe that’s what sold him to producers of TJ Hooker. The only original cast member to sign on for this awful sequel was “Frenchie”. If you’re in the video store & have a choice between the 2, please be sure to get the original. If you’re only left w/ “Grease 2” – quickly make another selection or leave the video store all together! Both of these movies & soundtracks = GROOVY

Rock & Roll High School (1979) – Soundtrack by the Ramones

Hey! Ho! Let’s Go! I’ve been a fan of these boys from NY as long as I can remember. I was even lucky enough to see them (front row) at a small theatre a few years before they started dying off. I saw R&R HS on one of those Saturday Matinee Million Dollar Movies back in the day. That’s when I first developed my love for the Ramones. Riff Randall (played by PJ Soles) is head of the Ramones fan club & does everything she can to meet her idols. When the local parents/teachers/principals decide to start burning records, the Ramones show up to save the day & blow up Vince Lombardi High. DO NOT mistake this film w/ the 80’s sequel starring Corey Feldman called “Rock & Roll High School Forever”. I also just found out that actor turned director Alex Winter (Bill of “Bill & Ted” or the vampire w/ the mullet from “Lost Boys”) has been hired (by Howard Stern of all people – someone who was “friends” w/ Joey Ramone) to do a remake of the Ramones classic. Since they’re all dead now, I guess they won’t be making any cameo appearances. I have to say I’m shocked & appalled at this latest remake. Frankly I’m sick to death of Hollywood remaking movies 2, 3 times over. It’s old – how ‘bout a fresh, new idea? This movie & soundtrack = LOBOTOMY WORTHY

Flash Gordon (1980) – Soundtrack by Queen

Flash! Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! The film based on the old radio/TV show of the same name seemed like a good idea at the time. Then Queen signed on to do the musical score. What could go wrong? If you’ve ever seen this movie, you know that all 111 minutes were just plain wrong! My father was a HUGE fan of both Flash & Queen, so this is just another in a long line of sci-fi movies I was forced to watch. I’m sad this movie was never watched on the “Satellite of Love” that was MST3K as there are so many campy bits/bad dialogue/bad acting/bad effects - it’s right up their alley. Anyway, I don’t really think any of the actors in this film did anything else – with the exceptions of Timothy Dalton (bad James Bond) & Richard O’Brien (Riff Raff/Rocky Horror mastermind). This movie was a box office dud, but has acquired a cult status over the years. I think they left the end open for a sequel, but when they realized what a suck-fest it really was, that idea got shot down right quick. The only thing good about this movie was the soundtrack. However, as a Queen fan, it’s not necessarily their best work. They did go on to redeem themselves in a soundtrack by letting Mike Myers & Dana Carvey use the classic “Bohemian Rhapsody” in the first “Wayne’s World” movie. Movie = ONLY GOOD IF YOU’RE SERIOUSLY INEBRIATED Soundtrack = OPERATIC

Pulp Fiction (1994) – Soundtrack by Various Artists

This is one of the only soundtracks that I actually went out & bought after watching the movie. “Pulp Fiction” is one of my favorite movies of all time. The soundtrack in this was just brilliant. Al Green, Dusty Springfield, Dick Dale, Chuck Berry… come on – all legends! Just like in “Reservoir Dogs” where the music was used in key parts, I can’t hear songs from this movie without thinking about the scene the song was used in. I heard that The Knack were originally approached to use “My Sharona” during the uber disturbing Gimp scene. However, “Reality Bites” came out the same year & they instead used the song for the Winona Ryder/Jeaneanne Garafolo dance scene in the quickie mart. I think I have a better memory attached to the use of it in “Reality Bites” than I would have if they really did use it for “Pulp Fiction”. Both the movie & soundtrack = BAD ASS

Trainspotting (1996) – Soundtrack by Various Artists

This movie opens w/ what I consider the 2nd best scene ever – next to the opening previously mentioned in “Saturday Night Fever”. Your ears are immediately assaulted w/ Iggy Pop’s “Lust 4 Life” & your eyes are assaulted w/ Ewan Mc Gregor running down the street. Then there’s that whole toilet thing…eww! This scared me away from public restrooms for a while. And it REALLY scared me away from ever thinking about using heroin! This movie (like “Requiem for a Dream”) should be used as a tool in drug awareness classes about what will happen to you if you ever dabble w/ the hardcore stuff. I don’t ever wanna be high enough that I’m seeing dead babies crawling across the ceiling! Both the movie & soundtrack = AN ASSAULT ON THE SENSES

Detroit Rock City (1999) – Soundtrack obviously by Kiss & some other various artists

You wanted the best? You GOT the best! The hottest band in the world…KISS!!! I vividly remember my 1st time seeing KISS. It was the video for “Shout It Out Loud”. I was very young - the MTV was new & still showing music videos. There they were – in all their makeup, leather & bloody glory. I was hooked ever since. Being a KISS fan isn’t always easy. I’ve put up w/ my fair share of taunts & other people who just don’t understand. I know they don’t write the best songs, I know that they’re just about making a buck, I know all that, but I still love them. When “Detroit” was released in the movie theaters, a girlfriend of mine in the KISS Army & I went to see it opening week. When we sat down, we were 2 outta maybe 5 people total in the theater. I should’ve known it was gonna be downhill from there. The movie was slightly entertaining. Boys obsessed w/ KISS (even have their own cover band) but have parents who wanna burn records (much like “R&R HS”) do whatever they can to go to the show to see their idols & fight “the man” in the process. I didn’t feel totally robbed only because I loved the music. Watching Edward Furlong strip in the bar to “Strutter” was pretty funny too. Lots of clichĂ© stuff like love interests named “Beth” & “Christine”. There were cameos by Ron Jeremy, Shannon Tweed (Gene Simmons’ main squeeze) & of course the band themselves. If you’re a fan of KISS, or a fan of 70’s era hard rock, you might want to check this movie/soundtrack out. Movie = OK IF YOU’RE A FAN. Soundtrack = GOOD IF YOU LIKE 70’S ROCK(not to be confused w/ Freedom Rock)

I Love You Man (2009) – Soundtrack mostly by Rush & some other artists too

Ok, let me start this off by mentioning how much I absolutely HATE the “rom-com” (aka romantic comedy) genre. I was pretty skeptical about this movie just for that fact. But, I saw some previews/reviews & they seemed positive, so I decided to save it in my Netflix queue. It was alright @ best. There were a few really funny parts. I wish there would’ve been more story between the 2 guys, because I was annoyed by the fiancĂ© chick. But, what REALLY annoyed me about this movie was the serious overuse of the band Rush. I believe they referred to them as “the holy trinity” in the movie. Not only do I hate the rom-com, but I hate Rush about 20 times more. I’d rather have my eyeballs propped open w/ toothpicks & forced to watch “Beaches”, “Love Story”, “Terms of Endearment” & “The Notebook” back to back rather than be subjected to those Canadians w/ their floppy little heads & beady little eyes! Here’s what I find about hardcore Rush fans…they suck! They will proclaim that Rush is “the best band ever” & anything else simply isn’t music. Now, I got a problem w/ that. I’m a huge music fan & I have very diverse tastes. I’ll listen to just about anything (exceptions being country & crap rap – old school is another story) But, if you’re hardcore into Rush, that’s all you’re willing to accept/listen to. So not only was I forced to hear all these awful Rush songs, but then they were stuck in my head for the next 2 days! AAAAAHHHHH! I was almost inspired by a scene from another movie “Pi”. I really wanted to take a drill to my skull just to get the awfulness to stop. Movie = OK. Soundtrack = ONLY GOOD IF YOU LIKE CANADIAN MUSIC


Black comedy or dark humor are terms used to describe movies that are violent yet funny at the same time. I’m a fan of some of these movies. “Trainspotting”, “Pulp Fiction”, “Fargo”, “Heathers”, “American Beauty”, “Secretary” & “Die Mommie Die!” are just a few good examples of this genre done right.

However, they don’t always turn out as promised. Below are some examples of movies that I went into thinking they were gonna be funny, but really were NOT. I felt completely ripped off. Nothing worse than sitting down for a relaxing evening, popping the DVD in – thinking you’re gonna laugh & you don’t! Movies like this make me want my money back!

HAPPINESS (1998)– Sometimes you can judge a movie by the cover. “Happiness” is NOT one of those movies. I saw & enjoyed “Welcome to the Dollhouse”. I thought this would be right up my alley. I really enjoy Phillip Seymour Hoffman. I think he’s a fantastic actor. I rented this one night interested to see these various stories of suburbia played out. This is one of those movies that you only need to see once. I guess the movie as a whole was alright, but sometimes I just don’t like to see certain things in movies. Pedophilia & rape are 2 of those things. This movie has all that & more! Don’t rent this thinking you’re gonna LOL a lot & aren’t easily offended. This movie is bleak & unforgiving. I really think it should’ve been classified as a drama.

IGBY GOES DOWN (2002)– Jeff Goldblum was really good in this movie about a really dysfunctional family. He’s been good in other movies too (Jurassic Park & The Fly). But he played Igby’s drug using, bed-hopping, abusive godfather role to the max! This movie is about a boy (Igby – played by Kieran Culkin) who’s very unpopular. Not just at school, but at home as well. His mother sends him off to military school where he’s beaten w/ broomsticks. Not really my kind of humor! This was compared to “Catcher in the Rye”. I think people are too quick to use that to compare teen angst. This movie was ok, yes. However, like other movies mentioned in this rant, it’s not really a ha-ha comedy. Can we call these “Dromedies” maybe?

BAD SANTA (2003)– Billy Bob Thornton has been able to do 2 great things since coming to Hollywood…”Sling Blade” & Angelina Jolie. That’s it. I know others disagree w/ me on this pick, but I really didn’t find anything funny about an alcoholic who dresses up as a jolly old elf. Billy Bob is a thief, blah blah blah…I got about ½ hr into this & shut it off because I just didn’t care about any of the characters or anything else that was going on around them. Feel free to watch at your own risk. Personally, if I want a funny movie about a grown man in an elf suit, it’ll be Will Ferrell in “Elf”.

LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE (2006) – The previews showed this as a fun-filled family road trip to take Abigail Breslin to a beauty pageant. “Vacation” was a fun-filled family road trip…LMS is certainly not! Steve Carrell is funny as hell. He just got done “40 Year Old Virgin” (which I previously identified as a “gut buster”). I thought for sure this movie would be funny. Boy was I wrong! There were a few parts that made me chuckle – like the whole scene with the van rolling along & everyone trying to jump inside. Other than that, it wasn’t very funny. Everyone had their own issues. Let’s put ‘em all together in a VW bus to travel cross-country & hilarity will ensue! No, I don’t think so. The characters put in good performances, but this is just another drama marketed as a comedy because a funny guy was in it. I think they did the same thing w/ Adam Sandler in “Punch Drunk Love”. There’s another movie that wasn’t very funny.

CHOKE (2008) – Yet another dysfunctional family unit! I don’t even know where to start on this one. I guess because I loved “Fight Club” & expected the same thing out of this movie. I didn’t get that – at all. Here’s another movie where they show the 3 funny parts in the commercial/trailer & you’re duped into thinking this is a comedy. Nope, sorry, didn’t do it for me. My hubby & I sat down for a Saturday movie night thinking we were gonna see something funny. The first 5 minutes were so promising! It went downhill from there. It follows the story of Victor, a sex addict/con man son of Anjelica Huston who has lots of her own issues (how Victor got his I guess) & is now suffering from dementia. I had a grandfather w/ Alzheimer’s. This really touched a nerve & I wasn’t enjoying it one bit. Anyone who’s gone through that w/ a loved one knows what it’s like to see someone slip away from reality. It’s not pleasant or funny. Maybe it put me in Victor’s shoes too much & hit too close to home for me. But, even so, I watched the whole thing expecting it to get better and/or funnier. It didn’t. If you enjoyed “Fight Club” & want to watch something similar, watch “Fight Club” again. Just be sure you don’t tell anyone about it.

SUNSHINE CLEANING(2008) – Dysfunctional families seem to have a common theme in these dark “comedies”. Here’s another movie (like “Choke”) where they showed the funny bits in the commercial/trailer. I really thought they could do a lot w/ the subject – 2 sisters go into the crime scene clean-up business. That really could’ve been funny – but it wasn’t! Really, I should've known better as this movie was done by the same folks who did "Little Miss Sunshine"! Amy Adams played 1 of the sisters – supposedly the “normal” one. However, she’s got a kid by a guy that she’s been having an affair w/ since high school, her sister’s an even bigger loser & their dad is always making promises he can’t keep. I thought I would like this movie, but by the end (which had me crying) – I was so mad that I’d been suckered again!!! I don’t ever think I will trust another movie w/ “Sunshine” in the title again!

Next time you’re going to choose a movie, choose w/ great caution. Otherwise, you’re gonna put that DVD in & be seriously disappointed. Good luck!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


From time to time, there's a movie that makes you laugh SO hard your sides hurt. Sometimes you laugh until you cry, other times you have to actually go back & watch the movie a 2nd or 3rd time to catch all the stuff you missed the time before because you were laughing/crying hysterically. I like to call these "The Gutbusters". Not to be confused w/ "The Ghostbusters"...which was a pretty funny movie too. Anyway, I digress. Here are some movies that made me laugh until soda came out my nose. You have my personal guarantee that these movies will make you laugh too (if they haven't already)!

Monty Python & the Holy Grail (1975) - This movie came out the year I was born. I'm pretty sure my parents made me watch it either in utero or as a baby. It's been ingrained in my psyche ever since. I know you're thinking..."but you're a chick, how can you like Monty Python"? Believe it or not, there are a few of us out there. There are so many funny parts in this tale of Arthur & the knights of the round table: the coconuts; the black knight (only a flesh wound); the virgins (more spankings); the Camelot song/dance; the flying cow; the killer bunny. I could go on... but I'm betting if you're reading this, you've already seen it too. If not, what are you waiting for? Are you being repressed?

Airplane! (1980) - This is another movie that I've seen a million times. I know it word for word, but will still watch it whenever it's on. This is another classic with lines that you've heard before. This movie scared me away from ever eating on a flight, or from wanting to see what's going on in the cockpit. As a matter of fact, yes, I have seen a grown man naked... It even has the man, the myth, the legend...Kareem Abdul Jabar as the co-pilot. I wonder if that's what inspired Shaq to think he could get away w/ that piece of crap ("Shazzam") that he called a movie? Note to other b-ballers - just because you play for the Lakers doesn't necessarily mean you can act...or rap for that matter. Yes I'm serious, and please stop calling me Shirley!!!

There's Something About Mary (1998) - The Farrelly Bros. do it again! I was already a fan of Ben Stiller before I saw this movie. Anyone remember the Ben Stiller show? Just me??? You can get the whole series off of Netflix if you're interested. I liked Cameron Diaz in "The Mask". I had NO idea how funny this flick was gonna be when I plunked down my $5 (it was still the 90's) for a matinee. I laughed so hard about the "franks & beans" that I threw my popcorn in the aisle. Now, that's a gut buster! And the hilarity didn't stop there. It just got funnier & funnier. After watching this, I ONLY get hair gel straight outta the tube! I dare you to watch this movie & not crack a smile. I say it can't be done! Two other funny-ass Ben Stiller movies that deserve an "honorable mention" here are "The Cable Guy" & "Zoolander". I laughed pretty hard at those too.

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004) - Scotchy scotch scotch scotch! The whole cast of this movie was so funny together. And who knew that local anchors had gang rivalries? All this plus fun w/ teleprompters! Ron Burgundy & the rest of the Channel 4 team are complete chauvinist pigs when Christina Applegate comes in to shake things up. Are you trying to tell me there's a party in your pants??? I laughed really hard at this movie. I love Wil Ferrell (Old School, Step Brothers, Talledega Nights, Semi Pro, the clip online w/ the little girl landlord, more cowbell) & this movie didn't disappoint. Even writing this entry makes me chuckle & wanna watch it again!

40 Year Old Virgin (2005) - I've been a fan of "The Daily Show" since way back when Craig Killborn was hosting. Anyone else out there in cyberspace remember there was a host before Jon Stewart? I can assure you there was - go Google it. Anyway, Steve Carrell always cracked me up when he was an "anchor" on there. He was great in the above mentioned "Anchorman" as weather guru Brick Tamland. I knew he'd be great in a leading role too. The waxing scene came on & I laughed so hard I cried. This is when I decided that Judd Apatow had a long career in film-making.

Pineapple Express (2008) - Judd Apatow did a few movies in between Virgin & Pineapple. I was a bit disappointed w/ the Dewey Cox story, but Mr. Apatow redeemed himself w/ this crazy buddy comedy. All Seth Rogen's character wants to do is mellow out after a bad day of serving people w/ legal documents. Next thing he knows, he's witness to a murder & has to go through all kinds of ha ha hi jinx to save himself & his friends. I heard that this movie was loosely based on Brad Pitt's character in "True Romance". Someone thought it would be funny to see what would happen when the mob actually came after the stoner. Turns out, it was pretty stinkin' funny! Of course, if you take offense to drug use/references, this is really NOT the movie for you. But, if you're like the rest of us out there & aren't easily offended, rent this & laugh until your sides hurt.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Throw up your devil horns people!!! Over the years, there have been MANY movies about music. If there's one thing I love just as much as the movies - it's music. I'm an arsenal of useless knowledge. Unfortunately, most of my factoids are movie/music related.

Music movies can be broken into 2 types. Movies about bands/actual performers & musicals. Here are a few that I think are worth rocking out to.


This is Spinal Tap (1984) - The quintessential "mock"umentary. Come on, you know the know you love the dancing midgets... I can't see anything about Stonehenge w/o laughing hysterically. I really wonder how many takes they had to do on this film. I don't know how they did it while keeping straight faces. Seriously, how can you say, "Lick my love pump" w/o chuckling? Impossible! In the event that someone out there in cyberspace is reading my blog right now & you've never seen this movie. Put it on your Netflix queue right away! A classic!

Velvet Goldmine (1998) - This little known late 90's ode to the Glam Rock genre is really well done. Ewan McGregor, Christian Bale & Jonathan Rhys Meyers team up in this tragic tale of sex, drugs, rock & roll. I'm a huge fan of this type of music, so the soundtrack (for me) was just as stunning as the visual aspect. If you too are a fan of the glam rock/Brit rock or just a fan of hot guys you won't be disappointed.

Ray (2004)- I watched "In Living Color" back in the day. I remember Jamie Foxx's big lipped ugly lady. So, I was pretty skeptical about his portrayal of one of America's finest musicians. Then I saw the movie. Jamie Foxx absolutely deserved his Oscar win. I knew a bit about Ray Charles history before watching this. One thing that really surprised me was what a man whore he was! Let me feel your wrist? Even though he's blind, he's still not hooking up w/ the fattys! That aside, this was a really good movie.

Walk the Line (2005) - Johnny Cash, the man in black. Rebel, outlaw, bad ass musician. The only person that can take a NIN song & make it sound even darker. This movie followed his life from farm boy all the way through to his historic concert @ Folsom. Joaquin Phoenix was a very impressive leading man. Although, I thought Reese Witherspoon stole the movie. I am NOT usually a fan of her work (Legally Blonde? Sweet Home Alabama? YUCK-O!) but in her role as June Carter-Cash, she was really great. Another Oscar-winning performance that was truly well deserved.

I know, I know...not everyone out there digs the musicals. But, the ones that have come out over the last few years aren't your parents Rogers & Hammerstein happy-go-lucky versions. So, hear me out on this. You just might find yourself spontaneously breaking out into song/dance for no good reason.

Evita (1996) - As someone who grew up in the 80's, occasionally rocking the fishnet shirt/jelly bracelet combo, I've seen Madonna's career as a whole. I liked "Desperately Seeking Susan". I was duped into seeing "Who's That Girl" & "Dick Tracy". Then I heard how bad "Shanghai Surprise" was. I vowed to never see another Madonna movie. Until '96... The story was interesting, the play had been running on Broadway to critical acclaim for years - so I thought I'd give the movie a try. I'm glad I did. Madonna was surprisingly good in this. She is a great singer, maybe that's why she did such a good job. She was also passionate about playing the role of Eva Peron (even if the Argentinians weren't so supportive). The score was an Andrew Lloyd Webber classic. If you like his work, check it out (if you haven't already), if you like Madonna or Antonio Bandaras, you'll probably dig it too.

Chicago (2002) - Murder, mayhem, chicks in skimpy outfits...and all that jazz... When I originally heard the cast, I was skeptical. Yea, the girls are hot, but can they dance/sing? And Richard Gere? Really? I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with all of them. I didn't know prior to the film coming out that CZJ actually spent many years before Zorro honing her theatre chops & dancing up a storm. Queen Latifah was superb in her role too. But, we already knew she could bust a tune. The costumes were fantastic, the dance numbers were amazing! It was like "Showgirls" only w/ a better script, more clothes & bigger budget.

Sweeny Todd (2007) - Shave & a haircut? Lesson to be learned from this movie? Never get your hair done anywhere near an eating establishment. I should start this off by letting you know that I really don't think there's a movie that Tim Burton or Johnny Depp have done that I haven't loved. I knew Johnny Depp was gonna be huge way back when he walked on camera on "21 Jump Street". Where's Dom DeLuise's kid now? Hmm? Anyway...I was really excited to hear about Sweeney Todd being done by Burton. From the first shot through the streets of London, to the uber bloody ending - I was hooked. It was pretty dark & did I mention bloody?

Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008) - Contrary to the reports you may have heard, Paris Hilton is NOT a main star in this movie. She's only in bits & pieces. Best part is, seeing her come to her demise is much more enjoyable than having to sit through the first 1/2 of that god awful "House of Wax" remake.

I could go on...maybe in the future - just like every other good movie franchise, there will be a "Part Deux" to this subject.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

TOP 10

I've seen TONS of movies. I'm quite the connoisseur of film, a film junkie if you will. Just give me some popcorn & Junior Mints and it's on! I could go on for days about my favorites (good & bad). Here are just a few...

Top 5 FAVES:

1. Pulp Fiction. Best John Travolta dance sequence since..."Stayin' Alive" w/ Jamie Lee Curtis. I hear he did a bit of dancing in some 70's disco movie too.

2. Goodfellas. I got 2 words for you - Joe Pesci. The entire cast was brilliant together. Scorsese's camera work - sheer genius! Soundtrack - amazing! I've had people tell me they've only seen this on basic cable (chopped up like onions by a Benihana chef) & didn't get it. For those people, do yourself a favor & get the real version. You're missing so much!

3. Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Can you really shove a lump of coal up someone's ass & get a diamond? I've seen this movie more times than I can count. I pretty much know it word for word. Every single time I watch it, I crack up like it's the first time. John Hughes truly captured teen angst during the 80's like no other. Don't believe me? How 'bout "Breakfast Club" or "16 Candles" or "Pretty in Pink"? Not to mention he also did the first "Vacation" movie! All classics in my book.

4. The Big Lebowski. That rug really DID tie the whole room together! The only other funny bowling movie (besides Kingpin) that I know of. The Cohen Bros. had a fantastic vision (after one too many White Russians?) & brought it to life w/ an all-star cast. Jeff Daniels as "his dudeness" is great! John Goodman as the Nam Vet w/ the occasional flash back - priceless! Steve Buscemi is also great in this movie.

5. Reservoir Dogs. It's been at least 10 years since I first saw this little gem. I still can't listen to Steeler's Wheel "Stuck in the Middle" without getting a tiny bit squeamish.

Top 5 WTF Were They Thinking?

1. Bulletproof Monk. Now, I LOVES the Kung Fu. However, I got 10 mins into this crap fest & was ready to shut it off. Against my better judgment, I watched another 10 minutes before I had to eject the DVD in fear that the crappiness of this movie would somehow make my DVD player no longer function properly. How can Chow Yun Fat go from something as visually outstanding as "Crouching Tiger" to this??? For shame!

2. Idiocracy. I'm a big fan of Mike Judge. Love his animated work & adored "Office Space". I know he was trying to make a point w/ this movie (TV will rot your brain & the stupid will rule the world). But, I felt it was too slow moving. So slow in fact that I fell asleep at one point & woke up at the end and it all still made sense. My "spidey sense" said it sucked!

3. Last House on the Left (1972 version). Like most of America, I enjoy being scared from time to time. Horror movies are a fine art that are slowly becoming blood & gore for shock value. This movie was so controversial when it came out b/c of the content that it was actually banned in several countries. It's a sort of remake of "The Virgin Spring" by Ingmar Bergman. 2 teen girls horrifically raped/murdered by some punks. The murderers wind up at the one girls house (last one on the left) & when the parents find out what's going on - all hell breaks loose & everything that you thought was so shocking about the previous 1/2 of the movie gets blown away (pun intended) by the ending. I've seen tons of "disturbing" movies, but this one still haunts me. And, now it's been re-made (since Hollywood is apparently running out of ideas & that's all they can do anymore) & I really can't understand why.

4. Blair Witch Project. Shaky hand-held cameras, knit hats & snot. No wonder why I fell asleep 3 times while trying to see what all the fuss was about. Finally, I drank enough coffee to be sure I stayed awake (I thought if I saw it all the way through it would make sense...silly me) & I still can't figure out who/what was standing in the corner. Where was the "witch"? This movie wasn't scary - it was a complete waste of time unless of course you need a nap. This is another one that really didn't need a sequel. Don't remember the sequel? Don't worry, you're not missing anything!

5. From Dusk to Dawn. As you can see, I have 2 QT movies in my top 5 faves. I've loved pretty much everything he's ever done...except for this one. I'm also a huge fan of Mr. Rodriguez' work as well. It started out so promising. The first half of the movie was great. And then they got to the strip bar... Woo! Selma Hayek!!! A snake!!! Shots of Tequilla - Ole! And then - it turned into a totally different movie & went downhill quickly from there :( Killing vampires w/ disco? Come on... Then someone had the brilliant idea to do a sequel??? Huh??? The sequel would rank at #6 on my WTF list for sure!

So, that's what I think. Please feel free to let me know what you think...